Chapter 7
This section has shown the reader how wireless networks have improved over the years. There were multiple generations of wireless networks. Some of the first cell phones that were connected to the network were the first-generation. As time went on so did the technology so they have created a much faster speed for multipurpose functions like displaying webpages, watching videos, and making and receiving phone calls. Those were the third generation(3G) and they were called smartphones. Some of the newer generations are much faster at transferring data. The last known generation was introduced recently in 2020 and it was the 5G wireless. The stuff I used is on the 5G network, which is more of my network unlike the other one which is a bit slower than this one. This section has taught me more about data transfer and the evolution of wireless networks. I have both a normal mesh network and a normal wireless network. The mesh does help a big household, but I feel like it is a bit slower because of how many people are using it. Using Bluetooth is amazing, because of what you can use with it like speakers, headphones, or even connect it to your cars and computers. I have used my Bluetooth ear buds so many times just to ignore people. It helps me calm down and relax at certain moments and situations. This one section shows and explains the settings and what some of the acronyms were like WAP, WEP, and WPA. When I was a child and even now when I was setting up the internet for the family, I didn’t know what any of those meant. I didn’t want to touch or mess with the settings. because I didn’t know if that would impact something for the router or the Wi-fi. There was also a MAC address which was an interface card that added a unique number to it. It showed me and helped me understand some of the threats to my wireless network. I knew some of them because of the last chapter but I didn’t know there was more. I am glad that I tried to make my network hopefully highly secure.