Chapter 4
Using information from the web can be helpful for what you are trying to learn or locate. You can try to filter the searches or specific information about the web. The search engine filter capabilities are only good with the information they collect. There are other ways to get information like the news, a blog, and a wiki. To keep up with the current news you should try using a news aggregation website. It is used to collect information and display content from a variety of sources. Then another is finding the forecast for today. There are websites you can use like http://weather.gova AccuWeather, or even the weather channel. There are apps on your phone that can tell you the accuracy of the weather. I have used the weather app for a while now. A lot of times I have used it's been 98% correct. It has help me to see the temperature of how cold it is outside without turning on my TV or computer to check the weather. There is also information about looking for apartments or even looking for jobs. Then getting medical information on the internet is one of the concerning things because it is not always accurate. There are some websites that are good, but most of them aren’t good like our own doctors. Lastly using the internet to buy some products. Online shopping has been popular now a days. Many of the item you can find in supermarkets and stores can be purchased and sent straight to your home. I find myself spending a lot of money online recently. I have bought myself PC parts, a soldering iron, spray paint, etc. just for my future projects. I used a company called Amazon. They are widely known and are somewhat trustworthy. When using a picture, text, or any information about anything you should tell the reader where it comes from. If it is not, then you would be violating the copyright law. That would be called plagiarism. Stealing others work without giving them the credit and you making a profit from it and or credit as your own is a crime. There are some loopholes around it and that is the fair use law. It is difficult to tell, but if you aren’t using the music or something in the background you wouldn’t get copyrighted, but with how YouTube is. It is kind of difficult because they would think you are, you aren't just like I did when I have my videos unlisted before it was public and not making any money to begin with. Using a reference would help you get away from the trouble if you site where the information or song it came from and or who the author or singer is. When I write papers about something I would try to site the website I have use near the end of the paper. So, the teacher knew where I got it from instead of calling it plagiarism.